What is prepaid billing?
Similar to purchasing food, gasoline or groceries - prepaid billing allows you to pay for electricity how and when you choose. Some refer to it as a 'pay as you go' plan.
How does prepaid billing work?
When on prepaid billing, you make a payment up front for electricity. Usage is then calculated daily and can be monitored through the cooperative's online SmartHub billing system. At certain 'set points' you will receive notification by phone, text message or email alerting you of the estimated days or amount remaining on your account. You can then make a payment by phone, online or using a smart device (via SmartHub) or in person to 'refuel' your account and continue using electric.
What if my prepayment runs out?
You will first receive notification by phone, text or email that you have a balance due and you are subject to disconnect. If you account balance is not brought above $0 by making a payment by phone, online or in person. Your service will then be automatically restored within 30 minutes. No disconnect or reconnect fees will be charged.
Is prepaid billing right for me?
Prepaid billing is not right for everyone. However it does have some benefits. New accounts will be required to go through a credit check and pay an applicable deposit based on their credit score. The credit check can be avoided by choosing prepaid billing.
For existing accounts, prepaid billing may be attractive because it allows you to make smaller, more frequent or larger, less frequent payments rather than paying once per month.
Prepaid billing also helps members to closely monitor electric usage. Statistics have shown that accounts on prepaid billing tend to use less electricity because they are more aware of the amount of power they are consuming.
Accounts on prepaid billing will avoid higher deposits, late penalties, disconnect charges and reconnect fees. Contact our member service department by phone (573-642-3326) or email CECService@callawayelectric.com for more information.
Prepaid Rate
Membership Fee $5.00
Deposit for service $45.00
Service availability charge $1.77/day
Usage cost All kWh - 14.82 cents/kWh
Each member who opens an account with Callaway Electric is required to pay a $5.00 membership fee. After that, a security deposit is required ($45.00 for prepaid service).
All locations share the cost of providing the basic service to a meter. Service availability includes the cost incurred to keep the office open and accessible to the membership, as well as a portion of line maintenance, outage restoration, tree trimming, taxes, insurance, depreciation, etc. It does not include energy.
Energy usage for prepaid is charged at the same rate for each kilowatt hour used.